Specialist law firm

For press law

The field of press law is one of our core areas as a specialist attorney for copyright and media law.

In many cases, this involves general freedom of expression, artistic freedom and also general personal rights. The general right of personality in the area of press law always includes a consideration of the respective factual area of protection, namely the public sphere, the social sphere, the private sphere and the secret/intimate sphere. These different spheres are to be differentiated in the context of possible infringements.

In our legal consulting practice, we often deal with the rights of self-promotion, the right to one’s own name with its overlap to trademark law, the right to one’s own image, the right to one’s own word as well as the right to one’s own honor. In this context, the field of satire and caricature often plays a special role.

Do you have claims under the law of expression or do you have to defend yourself against such claims? Then it is usually a question of whether a fact or a value judgment is being disseminated. The transition to defamatory criticism and the question of whether facts disseminated are true or untrue are often relevant here. Depending on the case constellation, we help you to enforce or defend against claims for removal, injunctive relief and damages, often also in preliminary injunction proceedings.

You are a relative person of contemporary history, i.e. prominently known to the public and would like to know if you have to endure being photographed?

We are at your disposal for all these questions concerning press law, out of court as well as in court. Contact us by phone at 0221-4201074 or by email at and let us know what we can do for you.

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